MindQ Reporting

Effectively stratify employee mental wellbeing and provide opportunities to connect to interventions and education


Explain Individual Assessment Results

Employees receive a personalized participant report describing their mental wellbeing status for each mental health area: life satisfaction, resilience, and emotional health.

Report Sections

1. Mental Wellbeing Statuses: The participant report looks at three areas of mental wellbeing and the items that make up each area.

2. Summary Text: Brief description of your results in each mental wellness area.

3. Strategies for Action: List of steps you can take to improve this area of your mental wellbeing.

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It appears that you enjoy a high level of job satisfaction as well as a sense of confidence in your personal talents and potential. You do, however, report that your financial situation is not where you would like it to be at this time. Certainly, money worries can be very stressful. The good news is that there are steps that you can take to improve your financial wellbeing.

Get control of your finances. There are many good books and online resources available.

  • A financial planner or debt counselor can be helpful.
  • Set S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Sensitive) goals for personal development. Then take action. If you fall down, get right back up and keep at it.
  • Take advantage of financial and life counseling resources offered by your employer.

Connect MindQ to Your Wellness Program


Our team of wellness and technology experts can work with you to connect MindQ results to your wellness program’s resources and interventions.

We also support wellness coaches by providing a report guiding them through each section of the participant report and the meaning behind the statuses.

Evaluate Company Mental Wellbeing

Companies can review the mental wellbeing of their population through MindQ’s aggregate report. The data can be viewed by gender, age range, and custom company segments.

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Want to know more about how MindQ can help educate & support mental wellbeing?